Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's Getting There

Wow! I have learned more about changing XTML code in the last 24 hours than I ever thought I wanted to know! And yet I still know so little!

Somehow I managed to get this blog from a 2 column to a 3 column blog, change the background and other minor things. I'm not sure I'm done or that I even like the new layout but I think I'm done for a while. At least it doesn't intimidate me anymore.

7 backward glances:

kelly said...

What is the new picture on your banner?
It's creeping me out!
Did I just see the same picture up for an Oscar?

Amy said...

lol, it's just what i've been screwing around with trying to figure out how to insert pics & backgrounds and stuff. it'll change. interesting about the Oscar though - I have no idea. I just saw it somewhere. Hmmm. It is sort of creepy though.

Mike said...

Woo, nice work, Amy :) I love playing around with the code to my sites, though I tend to get a bit obsessive about it sometimes ;P

FriendinME said...

I have to say that I like the present banner better than the one you had up there for awhile earlier this weekend. (The other one seemed sad to me.) The layout looks fresh and pleasant. I like it. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with friend in me...fresh and pleasant. Love the new look. That SP, what a cutie! Way to go and venture out and create something new.

Anonymous said...

COngratulations! I am messing with the same thing on my blog. I don't think I like it now that I have come this far, but at least I have more idea what I am doing. Well done. The header is beautiful.

Amy said...

everyone! thank you for your approval, criticisms and comments! it's helped me make what I think is a beautiful blog. I feel giddy everytime I see it. it's like my cozy little home on the internet and I'm so glad you all stopped by to check it out!