Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Future's Looking Bright

Today was, on a smaller scale, the epitome of what I look forward to as the mother of a girl. We had such a blast.

We went shopping for clothes and shoes, we got ice cream, we had lunch. We came home and tried the clothes on (okay, they were all for her but that's part of the fun as a mom). And then we went to a movie. All without any temper tantrums or "episodes".

I anticipate many more "dates" like this in the future and I look forward to each and every one of them. It's great being the mother of a girl (especially one who already enjoys all of these things - I hope that never ever changes).

On another note, I promised "before/after" photos of my haircut the other day. I've waited until I actually styled my hair since part of Psycho Hair Girl's charm is her inate ability to style it in a way that it air-dries perfectly. And so I let it do this for a few days until I got tired of the look and decided to add product and a straightening iron to it. And here (drumroll...) are the results.


11 backward glances:

Rachel said...

What a fun day! Truly the best part of having a daughter is sharing the fun parts of being a girl.

Love the hair! The highlights are awesome. A little streak of color does wonders doesn't it?

lina said...

love your new haircut!

wasn't it fun to enjoy the day with your daughter. Alas, I have a son :-)

Amy said...

Lina - thanks for stopping by! I don't have any boys but I'm sure there are equally as fun things to do with them that I'll miss out on :) And thanks - I love my hair too!

Anonymous said...

you look awesome! :)

Gypsy at Heart said...

Hair looks fabulous. Your daughter is gorgeous. She looks very much like you. Your day sounded fantastic. I am getting to the point where I can do more and more things with my own little boy and we're having great fun too. Everyday I discover new aspects of his personality that enchant me. I am so in awe of him that sometimes I can't believe he is mine.

FriendinME said...

wow. you actually posted before and after. It looks nice!

I did have to smile at the "before" picture. It was the same classic thing you see in before-and-after advertising. In advertising, the "after" pictures are always better... better smile, better pose, better expression. (Like in weight loss photos: in the before picture, the person is hunched over and sad-looking... but in the after picture, the person stands erect and has a big smile. Even if he didn't lose an ounce, he still looks better "after.")

Anyhow, your hair wasn't bad before but now it looks nicer... and even better because you are smiling so well. :)


FriendinME said...

and... one thing you will never hear a male say is that a great day involved shopping for shoes. lol.

Amy said...

FriendinME: lol - you probably don't notice the make-up & photoshopped enhanements of the "after" pic as well whereas here was nothing of either of those in the "before" pic. and yes, a smile does help!

Amy said...

rachel: sorry i didn't respond to your comment but guess what? the highlights were aleady there, you just couldn't see them for all the 'fro! i'm getting them done again probably in March or April just as Spring starts - they make me feel more springish.

Alexis: thanks so much!

Milena: you're always so nice to me. thanks! and yes, having kids really is so much fun!

Tish said...

Your hair is beautiful! :)

Amy said...

tish, you're making me blush!