Sunday, January 20, 2008

House Stuff

More on last night's subject...

It seems like every Spring comes with a whole list of projects that I want to do outside. I have a big yard that is totally out of control. I try to conquer another corner every year but it's so hard to feel a sense of accomplishment with so much still going wild.

Part of the problem is that inside my house, things are not up to my level of satisfaction. I always still have 4 million projects still in progress come Spring that I have a hard time dividing my time to get anything done. Especially when the pools are opening and it's warm and all I want to do is throw SP in the car and go play.

This year I would really like to take these winter months getting some projects done inside so that when Spring comes, I can focus more on the outside without feeling like I'm neglecting my house.

What I really need to do is get my other spare bedroom organized & decorated. I'd like to completely organize my storage room, caulk all the trim around closets & doors in the basement, re-organize my office/hobby room. I'd like to get some pieces of furniture sold (a fridge and two cafe tables), and sand & re-paint a wall in downstairs bathroom where new outlets were installed.

Wow! Listing that stuff out felt great! What I thought was going to be a lot of stuff really doesn't seem to be that much after all. Definately do-able before Springtime. Then I can get busy outside without guilt!

4 backward glances:

Unknown said...

You are the most organized person I know. Your house is so spotless. You need to be easier on yourself. Come on over and see my mess and you will feel better:)

Amy said...

well, i wouldn't say spotless but i do my best. i love being in your kind of mess though - a new house mess is always more fun!

kelly said...

you're precious.

josey said...

heya amy! i hear ya about the yard stuff. i was really bad last fall and didnt clean up my garden. my poor cuke trellises are stuck in the ground, covered with snow and the crispy, frozen vines...and probably a few cukes i didnt get to in september. LOL!

i love that you mentioned Flylady in your last post. you said it perfectly--and i think for women like us who try to be so organized, we can almost be our own demise because our standards are too perfectionistic!

im glad blogging your to-do list helped...go for it and have fun and PLAY LOTS this spring :D