Thursday, January 31, 2008

How About a New Post???

I can't believe my last post was on Monday! What happened to the days when I used to post daily? I'll tell you

Life happens! Although I'm sad that I haven't been communicating much with most of my readers lately, and consequently I've seen a reduction in my visits, I'm actually happy with what I've been doing with my time. And that is spending more time with the Supreme Princess, taking care of house stuff, and trying to take better care of my body. Time I used to spend blogging is now being spent on the treadmill, or de-cluttering closets, or playing hopscotch.

Don't get me wrong. I love blogging. And I really love to read all of your blogs. If you have that doo-hickey that shows my "face" on your blog, you've likely noticed I've not been there much. Please don't be offended. If I haven't been coming to see your blog, well - I'm not coming to mine much either.

But I miss the interactions and the thought process that goes into daily posting so I'd like to get better. Honestly, the thing is is that I've been wondering what the actual value of my blog really is. Does it actually do anything for anyone? Is it helpful? Is it useful? Is it inspiring or just a catalog of insignificant details in my life that only interest people because....well, I have no idea. You'll have to answer that. Anyway, I'm curious. Please help me. Inspire me to continue my blog in the manner I'm used to. Or should I do more to engage my audience, do things that will change the world or least someone's thought process. I'm just throwing this out there to see what you'll say.

9 backward glances:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. It's actually last on my list of book marks at work but I read it every day (minus the past month because my life got in the way too!). I like that your meez or whatever change according to your blog. As far as does it make a difference? Perhaps. I think we all wonder the same thing about our respective blogs but deep down, as much as we long for that higher rating, more traffic, more comments, we know that we really do it for ourselves. It's an outlet and it makes a difference for us because it makes us believe that perhaps someone else cares about the same things we do or cares about what happened in our life.

Gypsy at Heart said...

There you are. I was starting to get worried. I was thinking of writing to you privately to ask how you were. You know Amy, I would not have imagined being concerned about a fellow blogger a year ago if that person did not do the normal thing and post with the frequency to which I am accustomed to but things change... obviously. Now that I know you're OK, all I can say is that I'm glad you took some time off for yourself and your daughter. No one can begrudge you that. There are more important things in life than maintaining a blog in my book. As for me, personally, I would miss you if you stop and I imagine there are a lot of other people out there who would likely say the same. I'll have you know that I come to your blog because you're a nice lady. Who wouldn't care to know about your life when you put it out there with so much honesty and candor? You shine for your niceness through the mundane and the interesting and the funny in your words. In MY book, that makes you eminently readable and worthy of my attention.
Now, I do not know what this answer does for you in terms of what you need to hear but I thought you'd like to know that I care if you go as well as understand if you need to. Milena

Barbara said...

Don't quit blogging, Amy. Your blog is like another of my favorite TV shows; I'm comfortable sharing the life of these complete strangers (you and your family), and eager to see (read) what's next in their lives.

I hope that's understandable.

Your life is interesting in a non-drama way, and it's nice that you're sharing it with us. Sometimes I can relate, sometimes not, but it's interesting and comfortable all the same.

Your bookmark is also my last one, and I'm happy when it goes bold (new post). Ready for the next episode.

Take care, be happy, and keep sharing.

Amy said...

Dear Kat, Milena & Barbara;

I am flattered and humbled by your sincere and well thought out responses to my questions. Thank you so much for sharing! It makes me feel so good to know that you're here!

Kat (T), you're right, we DO do it for ourselves so I guess I shouldn't be wondering so much what I can do for others but perhaps that's the mom in me.

Milena, you are one classy chic - that's all I can say!

And Barbara, your comment make me feel warm & fuzzy all over.
Thanks again to all three of you!

kelly said...

I like to read it because it's a little peek into your mind and this way I know what you're up to when we go too long between phone calls.

Anonymous said...

I just think that you don't visit my blog is because it's boring. Just Kidding. Life gets busy. The most important things are the kids the husband and the house. I know that you are a busy busy lady.

FriendinME said...

I am not sure that you even need a "reason" for blogging other than the fact that you enjoy doing it and that there are those of us who read it because we want to (and like it).

Truth is, not many blogs will make much of a difference in the overall scheme of eternity. :)

Blog for enjoyment. Blog to brighten the day of your readers a little. Let people know you a little. That's all. In my opinion, that is enough.

btw... yours is one of a small handful blogs that I read regularly... and if you were to ask me "why," my answer would be-- "I don't know why. I just like it."

Oh. I forgot. I like reading you because you are an American Idol fan and have one more TiVo than I do! (4??? yeeesh!!)

As for seeing your face in the widget on my blog. I am just glad to see it when it is there.

josey said...

ames! hehe :) man do i know how you feel. a few months back i wrote a long, rambling post called, who cares what i think?" which was my long-winded take on basically what you said in your post. and recently, i've gone thru a dry spell in blogging, too; but that's okay! i think being active in our offline lives should ALWAYS take precedence over blogging. ALWAYS! =D

anyhoo, i think everyone who's commented thus far has spoken what i'd have said. after going on a few month blogging spree, i realize now that i go thru my phases...sometimes i have lots to say, and sometimes i dont. i blog because i enjoy blabbing about whatever. LOL. i think you're the same way. that's why i LOVE reading your blog--its random thoughts, but always honest and from the heart. you express yourself in a very down-to-earth way and you're not here to impress anyone. which i respect :)

i would never impose a theme for you to implement. i like the randomness. i look forward to reading about what you're thinking about on any given day, whether its a deep subject or not! i truly believe that by being ourselves and just using our blogs as a journal, that in itself helps other people. whether it by giving them a chuckle, presenting something to think about, sharing ideas or advice or just venting...almost anyone can identify with something and to me that's what's important.

i agree with friendinme that, "Truth is, not many blogs will make much of a difference in the overall scheme of eternity. :)" hehe! it is so true, even tho my little dreamer-silly-go-lucky self wants to think otherwise... however, if we somehow make a difference in just one other life, its all worth it. right? right! and i think you definitely have touched all of us in one way or another!!

soo...keep on being "that one amy" and post when you want, when you're inspired, when you have time! all of us, your devoted readers, will be on the lookout for when you do :):)

Amy said...

kelly: i just love you!

heidi: you geek, i love your blog! i've just not been visiting anyone lately! and, haven't you caught on yet? i just say i'm busy to keep people guessing.

Steve: i write with my audience in mind and you are one that i know reads frequently so i often think of how you're going to respond to certain posts. i'm glad you keep coming back.

Josey: thank you. i know i can depend on you to read me no matter what mood i'm in. :)