Friday, December 7, 2007

Minds of Their Own

Why do some zits defy reason and explode into week-long angry volcanos when others...

accept defeat gracefully and are gone the next morning without a word of protest. Why?

BTW, right big toe had a falling out with large stainless steel bowl, and big toe lost. I'm sure big toe will shortly be losing his armor. But me? I swore...not even a single time. SP never even knew it happened.

6 backward glances:

Jessica said...

I hope you are walking okay!! Bless your heart! : )

Rachel said...

I hear ya on the zit thing, they are so unpredictable and honestly, shouldn't I have passed this stage in life already.
Sorry about the toe, walk softly.

Mrs Furious said...

looking at your christmas countdown is making me anxious.. must go do something about it...

josey said...

DOH!!! owwwiie. sorry bout right big toe. hopefully he doesnt mind being naked for a while. LOL.

isnt it lame we still get zits in our 30's?? LIKE, i didnt get enough of them going thru puberty?? GEESH!

Unknown said...

I hate when I stub my toe. Good job on not swearing- I always do before I even know what happened.

FriendinME said...

your description of your zit as an "angry volcano" brings a rather disgusting picture of a big fat red thing that is oozing lava/puss for a week.


I was so glad I read your blog right after I ate some lasagna.


btw... been there