Sunday, August 23, 2009

Getting Ahead of the Game

Remember a few months ago how I said I just wish I could get ahead of the game. Plan for the next event just a hair of a week before it's supposed to happen? And I specifically mentioned Halloween? Well, the old Amy is almost all the way back.

Bugs has requested to be a giraffe for Halloween this year. I knew I'd have to be on top of it this year because if I couldn't find a costume to buy, I'd have to make it and that would test every one of my sewing skills, of which I have few.

The internet was not much help because it doesn't appear that many children over the age of 4 are interested in being a giraffe. Not only that but I'm not ready to part with forty hard earned dollars for a costume - I know, it's a fairly typical price but I'm cheap. It's just who I am.

I'm glad I had been checking though because at Costco, I found a costume sized 2-4 for $10! What a total steal! And because Bugs is a little girl for her age, the costume, while a few inches short in the legs actually fit well enough to get by - and she's happy. She's happy...I'm happy.

As for Tink, I have a darling little pumpkin costume for a 9 month old that I've had for a long time. Coincidentally Tink will be about 9 months at Halloween, problem solved.

And now that costumes are solved, I can move onto more fun things like perhaps a kids' Halloween party! How fun would that be? I have so many fun food things for a little party, lots of fun decorations and lots of great ideas. Hmmm. I've gotta think on that one!

You know what? I'm feeling so much more myself lately that I've nearly gotten through each one of the rooms in my house and put it back the way it should be...organized and precise, just the way I like it. Ahhhh...has it really been 6 months since I was pregnant and wallowing in self pity? The Marshmallow asked me if I would be willing to do it again - I'll bet you can guess what I said.

3 backward glances:

Tiffany said...

hehehe :) Oh, Amy. I love you :)

Rachel said...

OK, so did you find the costume at Costco or online? I've been thinking about Charley and wondering what to do... do I go girly or baby cute? I just don't know. The boys are usually all BOY so now I get to choose. I'm sure the price will make the choice for me.

Amy said...

Tiff: just trying to catch up with you!

Rachel: it was the actual store, my dear. Go baby cute this year, I say. It's one of the only years you can really do it and get away with it and they have no say whatsoever. She'd be such a cute little ladybug or fairy.