I've been complaining of holey jeans for about a year now ever since Bugs decided her favorite occupation is to be a kitty. Thus, lots of crawling around on her knees ruining pair after pair of perfectly good pants, new pants that cost a lot!
My friend Kim was over the other day telling me what her sister does. At the end of every school year, her sister cuts off the legs of all of her kids' pants (the girls), and sews ribbons and/or lace onto the bottoms. So Kim and I went to the store and bought some cute ribbons. She has a daughter the same age and has similar problems with pants.
I spent a couple of hours this afternoon fixing several pairs of jeans for Bugs. And now I don't have to go buy any shorts for summer! What a great fix! Thanks Kim!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Holey Jeans - The Solution For Girls
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Bumbo - My Friend
Bumbo first came out when Bugs was about 18 months old, and when I saw it for the first time I could have cried that it wasn't available when she was an infant. I recognized its value immediately.
When I found out I was pregnant this time, it was one of my very first purchases. I buy them quite frequently for baby gifts too. They're about $35 depending on where you get them - and you can buy them anywhere, Target...WalMart...TJMaxx... ShopKo...KMart - wherever.When all else fails to please Tinkerpot, I put her in Bumbo and she is entertained for more time than I can even imagine. She sat in Bumbo at the pool for 1/2 hour without her binky, just watching all the kids and splashing in the water.
Tonight, she was quite fussy but I needed to get dinner made. In Bumbo, she sat watching me without her binky again, just so happy to be upright and near me.I love you, Bumbo!
p.s - you can buy a small tray for Bumbo so it turns into a smaller version of a highchair or a place for them to play.
So Happy To Be Me
How lucky am I?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Getting The Real Story From a Five Year Old
The other day, Bugs came home from a friend's house with this weird doll thing made from a bedpost that she said "Polly gave it to me me". Who's Polly? Polly isn't one of Bug's friends that I know of. Turns out, she's her friend's next door neighbor. Ok.
"Why did Polly give you that?" I ask.
"She gave it to Lindsey!" Bugs says. Ok. That's clear as mud.
"Well then why do you have it?"
"She gave it to me!"
Alright, I think. Whatever. If someone really wants this thing, someone will call. At this point, I'm not really expecting anyone to call. Have you seen this doll? It's odd - like from the 1970's or something.A few days later, I'm still wondering who Polly is - not like I'm worried because if Bug's friend's mother lets her daughter play with Polly then I'm sure she's harmless. I trust this friend's mom. So Bugs is prancing around with the artifact from the Natural History Museum and I say, "so is Polly a kid?"
"Why did she give Lindsey the doll?"
"Because she was on the floor in her garage and Lindsey saw her."
"Did she fall?"
"Yeah. She's old and she can't get up." A-ha. It's making sense.
"She's old?"
"Yeah. She's really old. She has bumpy skin - really REALLY bumpy skin."
I see now. It's all in the details.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Birthday at the Preschool
Bugs is turning 5 at the end of this month and since she won't be in school anymore, they're celebrating it tomorrow at school.
So, for the first time of probably many times, I made cupcakes (from scratch!) for the class to deliver tomorrow during their little celebration.
I would post pictures of the cupcakes that I just finished baking but I am mortified at their turn-out. They are the ugliest cupcakes I have ever seen. And the only thing that makes them look edible (to a 5 year old) are the liberal sprinkles and the single M & M on the top. I hope I get better at making them (maybe I should just buy them).
However, if you can get past their appearance, these cupcakes are the yummiest thing I've eaten in a long time, and I'm not a huge fan of cake. They taste like the moistest brownies in the world and the frosting is a cocoa buttercream that has more of a gourmet flavor than the Betty Crocker frosting in a jar at the grocery store. I'm in love with it. I will eat it straight. Right now. Excuse me please.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I'm Ever Evolving
I have a friend who has many times, spoken to me of her "black soul" - a virtual quagmire of darkness (I'm putting words in her mouth but the feeling is the same). She says that her cheery disposition and friendly outer shell are merely a disguise for the evil lurking beneath. She's serious. And although I don't entirely believe her self-loathing observations and criticisms, I can understand where she's coming from.
I believe this about myself... I am selfish. Beyond anything you can imagine about me. If you know me, you probably aren't aware of how much I only think of myself. The only time it's not all about me is when it comes to my family...mainly my kids. But even in some of those cases it's all about me too. No lie. I am swimming a sea of unforgiveable selfishness. I honestly shouldn't even be allowed to have children, and sadly that's probably why God gave me children in the first place because I am less selfish than before they came along.
I know all of this sounds like a bunch of self-pity but it's not. It's self-reflection. It's a road to self-correction. I'm sick of me being like this. I'm 35 years old, not 16. Self-centeredness is a phase I never grew out of.
The other day I got thinking about a friend I've had for a really long time and how a number of years ago, her daughter got married. I recollect getting an invitation. That was so nice of her to invite me. Do you know what I did? I looked at the invitation...categorized the event as "too much trouble" (Bugs was probaby 2 or something and I'd of had to take her with me *oh no! - of all the horrid things!) and promptly filed the invitation in the "inconvenient" pile and forgot about it.
Years later, I think about that. I am so ashamed that I didn't even respond to the invite. Sent a gift, a letter, a note, made a phone call ...SOMETHING. But no, I didn't - Worst of all is that I do this type of thing all the freaking time! It's not occasional. I've missed baptisms, baby blessings, weddings, baby showers...all sorts of events that are important if not to me, than to someone. Important enough that the invited ME to commemorate the occasion with them, and all I could think of was that it was probably an "FYI" type of thing and consider it inconvenient for my life right now. I'm so embarrassed of myself.
My friends and family are too forgiving. They always forgive me and I love them for it. I'm going to change this. I'm not sure how, but I'm going to change this about me. Please pray for me. I have a long way to go.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Just Stuff
I barely averted what I thought was oncoming bronchitis. Bronchitis is not my friend. In fact, it is my worst enemy. And now that I have asthma, I fear it even worse. Since my pregnancy, my asthma has not cleared up. I've been meaning to blog about it for a few days now but whenever I run, I feel like someone is inside my lungs with a feather - yeah it tickles & burns when I run. I've taken to running with my inhaler. But yesterday I woke up to what felt like the startings of something really bad. I prepped (lots of medicine, cleared my schedule, made contingency plans for kids etc.). But I woke up today and felt reasonable good...and that is so good. It is. Because next time I have bronchitis, I know I'll be in the hospital. True story.
So with a relatively clear schedule today I frittered away most of it like I do most every day until I decided to do something productive. I made some of these...They were really easy. If anyone would like the instructions, I took pictures of the process and would be glad to post an instructional how-to. Here's Tinkerpot with it on...
... ok, this headband is a little overwhelming on her - how about this one...
You get a better idea with it on Bugs:
A little while later, I decided to throw together some pasta salad. And I began to muse about food. Olives.
When I was young, my mom never bought sliced olives! She'd enlist the crew she'd born to cut them up into slices rather than pay the extra money. Imagine my surprise when, as an adult, perusing the grocery store that I found that you could actually buy them that way! Whodathunkit?
Lastly, peas. More specifically...canned peas. Who likes these things? And why in all the world did I buy a case of them for my food storage when no one in my family can stand them? What do people do with them? If anyone out there has an idea of what I can do with an entire case of gross green peas, then please - I'm begging you...enlighten me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Why Is It So Hard?
It seems like no matter what phase of life I'm in, I go from one event/crisis/project to the next always working on them in what seems to be the last minute. Just like this blessing this past weekend. I really knew about it for the longest time but all of the details crept up on me in the last week and it was hellacious!
That done, I thought I'd have a week or two to just relax and soak up the fact that the blessing thing was done and I had nothing more than routine stuff to do. Do my daily tasks each day and then have the rest of each day to do any number of projects I've been wanting to get to: making ribbons/flowers for the girls' hair, genealogy, detailed de-cluttering, blogging, organizing closets, making pajamas, canning, whatever...
But alas, no.....I completely forgot about The Marshmallow's and Bug's birthdays coming up in just a few days. The Marshmallow turns 40 on the 21st and has requested a bash. Hmmm - I'm sort of running short on time for this one. I'm going to have to think fast. Fortunately I've already sort of been planning Bug's party at the end of the month. She turns 5 and wants a pool party at the rec center. I've already ordered and received most of her party stuff but I haven't shopped for either of their presents, and forget details like cakes and stuff like that!
When I was in grad school, life was even busier than it is now of course. I had to plan way in advance for anything and I seriously was the master time manager - ask anyone. I had a reputation for it. I used a calendar and a PDA (like a palm pilot) and had every single minute of my day planned out for months in advance. People used to complain that it was harder to get time with me than it was the President. I was booked solid but so organized! Where is that me now?
I want to get ahead of things. I want to be planning the 4th of July festivities right now so that they don't creep up on me. I want to have Halloween costumes done and ready by the end of the summer. I hate things going to the last minute; it's just so not my style...except since I've had children. I'm afraid my reputation is lost. Maybe if I get super busy again like I used to be, I'll get super organized again. I know my organizational skills increase incrementally with how busy I am.
Meanwhile, I have a few last minute parties to plan...
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Economy and Why It Sucks To Be Us
You might remember a post I made about 2 years ago about where we'd really like to be living. Well, as much as I really do love my house and all, I do have bigger dreams, or at least more humble. Not like I lust after the big house on the hill or whatever - that's not really me. But I would like a newer house and some land for my kids to frolic upon.
That dream has never been further away than it is at this moment however. With The Marshmallow being self-employed, I can't see a bank lending us a single red cent which is all the more disappointing because of how inexpensive the housing market is right now! Even if we put our house up for sale and broke even...*gasp*...we'd still be buying a nicer home for probably not much more than we bought this one for 3 1/2 years ago!
So...what to do, what to do. The Marshmallow does have employment opportunities but has been resisting them in hopes that his small business will take off. Thus far, it's doing what it's supposed to be doing...paying our bills, keeping us in our house without me working. But it's difficult to turn down this an awesome opportunity - if he would get salaried employment, we could move finally. It's a hard decision. I've given him my opinion but since it's his job, I'll let him make the final decision.
Blessing Day
Ahhh. It's over. Little bit of a stressful day up until about 2:30pm when all the food was out and everyone was just relaxing and enjoying themselves.
The morning was another story though. Tinkerpot only sleeps for about 2 hours in the morning and I had a whole lot to pack into that two hours and then The Marshmallow kept slamming the front door and woke her up half way through her nap. I was so mad! He said, "Well, I've got so much to do I don't have time to carefully close the door every time!" No duh! Like I'm just sitting on my tush waiting for Tink to wake up!
But it was okay. We got to the church in time although Marshmallow and I each had to make individual trips back to the house to get things we forgot. The blessing, given by Renee's husband, Scott was beautiful and very moving. A few cute ladies in my ward wrote down the whole blessing word for word and handed me the transcript after it was over. Those ladies are so great! Putting their shorthand to good use!
Tinkerpot slept for 11 hours straight last night without waking up. And because of that I should have slept like a log but I didn't. I was up every other hour checking to make sure she wasn't dead! I would have gotten more rest if she'd have just woken up once to eat! I can't help but worry.
She got her shots this morning and has slept all morning, poor thing. I know vaccinations are so important but it's a sad day when you have to endure your baby going through pain and then not feeling good. No more for a few more months, thank you.
I took pictures at the blessing of Renee's family, a few of her daughter Brooke and my mom. I'll post them all as I get them done.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Waterpolo Angels
My sister, Renee, phoned this morning and said she was at our local recreation center watching her oldest daughter play waterpolo. She said she was going to stop by between games. I thought she'd come and just visit for a few minutes.
A short while later, she pulled up in front of my house and a car full of teenaged girls piled out holding pots of flowers they intended to plant in my flower beds in preparation for tomorrow's get-together. My sister had orchestrated the whole thing!
The girls got to work planting all of the flowers and they looked beautiful - the flowers looked great too! I was amazed at how fast they got the job done.
Renee has been so instrumental in organizing tomorrow's event. She practically created the menu, figured out the best place to buy all of the stuff, where the bargains were, helped buy some of the stuff, is personally making 1/2 of the menu, planted those flowers today, and helped to make sure we're not missing anything. I'm pretty sure it would have been a complete bust without her help.
Anyway, just a shout out of thanks to the Tooele High School Girl's Waterpolo Team and especially to my sister, Renee for their help today! You're awesome!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Family Quarrels
My sisters and I are entering an age where death is more prevalent among our elders (grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles etc.). Many of them have already died or are somewhere in the process of planning for that inevitable day unfortunately.
So my topic for today is "their stuff". What to do with it. And I'm not talking about useless bottles, unwanted rugs, old clothing. I'm talking about the stuff we DO want. That EVERYONE wants.
When my grandmother (dad's mom) died a year before I was born, his sisters "swooped" (isn't that the word everyone uses in this scenario?) in and absconded with all of the highly desirables before her children even made it there. Her children did not have the chance to inherit things like personal china, special furniture, sentimentalities. I don't own a single item of hers and unfortunately neither does my dad. I was visiting my great-aunt (grandma's sister) two years ago and she showed me the china she had taken, and there were a number of Ethan Allen furniture pieces that she owned as well. I plan to offer to buy the china when my great-aunt starts her will. The question is, was it fair of the sisters to do that? Was it right? I can't imagine doing that to my sisters.
There has already been a bit of contention about what items will go to whom when my other grandmother, Marilyn (my mother's mom) dies. She's been very open about her will and it's created a lot of conflict. I think I might ask to be taken off the will and after everyone receives what he/she wants, I might pilfer through the remaining to merely get a token of her after she passes.
My mom also has begun, in small part, to list her more precious items. I know the items she intends to give to me but I wonder how my sisters will feel about it. I don't know what they're receiving.
Similarly, in the past several years, occasionally she (and my grandma, Marilyn) will offer up items of worth that they no longer need. These items usually go to whomever has most recently expressed an interest or a need. Sometimes when the other sisters find out about it, there is hostility, and if not hostility than occasionally jealousy. There are fairness issues among about a zillion other things to consider. I recently received a dehydrator (the one I was talking about in my post a few days ago) from my mom. It has been in my family since I was a young girl. My mother didn't ask my sisters if they'd like it - she offered it to me first. It was a loan but yesterday she retracted the loan and then gave it to me. She said I should share it with my sisters. I plan to if they want it.
In thinking about the dehydrator and a number of other things that have been given to me and my sisters, I wonder about the fairness of it all. I know life's not fair but I know that this particular issue in many families has created such conflict that it has ruined relationships. My sisters are my best friends - no single item that any of my relatives own would be worth jeopardizing those relationships that are my most prized possession.
I've decided that from this day on, if something is offered to me from my elders, I will request they ask both of my sisters first if they would like it. That way they don't know that it has been offered to me first. Everyone will feel like they were asked first. Then, if they both turn it down, I will feel like I received it justly and no one will be angry. I think I'll even go back to my mom and grandma's wills and ask them to do the same thing.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Change of Plans
I left the house full of intention. I had lots of things to do in just a short amount of time.
So I get to the doctor's office after properly medicating Tinkerpot for pain. My appointment was set for tomorrow. They couldn't fit her in today. I rescheduled for Monday. Well, that freed up an hour which sort of made me happy.
The nail place wasn't open until 10 (it was 9) so I went to the flower shop to get corsages for my mom and grandma to wear to church on Mother's Day. Note to self: start saving now for corsages for next year. Those suckers are pricey!
Still, with time to kill, we hit Great Harvest for their free bread. But I felt like a hoser so I bought some bread while I was there. Another note to self: next time ask for a small piece to avoid the 1,000 calories I hate in BREAD. No, no one was forcing it into my mouth but I felt an honest compulsion to lick the crumbs off the table after eating the whole thing in 4 seconds.
Now it was 10 - so I ran over to the nail place. Another car pulled in at the exact time I did but since I had so much to get out of the car (slow kid + backpack full of activities to occupy her, kid in carrier + baby accouterments, me + my purse, blanket + everything else we might need FOR ONE HOUR) they beat me in there, and took my spot with the lady who does my nails - the only lady I'll let do my nails now. I had to reschedule for tomorrow.
On my way home, I got a phone call that my grandma was sick and wouldn't be able to make it to the luncheon today. Just wonderful. It seemed like my whole day was turning out to be a joke! While I sat there trying to figure out an alternate plan for the luncheon, since it was kind of important that she be there, it was decided my mom would just come anyway and we'd send my grandma's gifts home with her. They live together. I felt bad but there weren't many other options at that point. We ended up having a really good time and I suppose I need to just be happy that it didn't entirely get blown.
Interestingly enough, I found out today that I was accused of stealing money from a person who is close to me 11 years ago. I also found out that this person has told several others that are close to me that I did it, but this person never told me! How am I supposed to react to this? In the past 11 years, I have gone out of my way to be nice to her but now find out that she harbors a grudge against me and it colors all of our interactions. I'm blown away, hurt and extremely surprised mainly because I absolutely did nothing of the sort! I mean the thought of doing what I'm accused of is so far removed from anything I would ever think of doing that it's actually even a little funny. In matters like that, I am beyond reproach and I can say that and not feel even the slightest bit boastful. Hmmm. I have to think about this on how I intend to proceed. She isn't aware that I know at this point and my gut instinct is to march up to her and confront her. Not sure that's the best approach in this situation though.
Anyway, did get my gardening done today. Wish I'd done it earlier in the day - it's hot! Now that the Mother's Day luncheon is over, I can focus on Tinkerpot's blessing. I love that kid.
Is Today Thursday Already??
Where is the time going? Whatever! My life is flying by and I can't even catch it!
Today some of the craziness actually begins. We've got Tinkerpot's shots in an hour and after the way Bug's reacted to her 5 year old shots (like a freaking screaming mimi, I seriously was like, "Dude, that kid is NOT my kid!"), I am feeling exceptionally tender-hearted about today's round. And, not to sound utterly callous I do hope she sleeps really good after the shots though because I've got a nail appointment right afterward and it's always easier of she's sleeping! It's not really all about me though...just gotta fit it all in!
Later today my mom, Grandma and Renee are coming over for the Mother's Day luncheon that I posted about a few days ago. I made Katie's absolutely delicious Spicy Cashew Salad and will serve it with Renee's chicken salad sandwiches followed by strawberry shortcake. You have to try this salad though - it is wonderful! Here's the recipe and maybe I'll post pictures later although they won't do it justice because I'm using green grapes instead of red and the red ones make the salad LOOK as good as it TASTES.
Katie's Spicy Cashew Salad
3/4 cup cashew halves
4 slices bacon, coarsely chopped
1 T melted butter
1 T brown sugar
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
In a large dry skillet over medium heat toast cashews until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Remove and let cool in a dish (slightly).
Next cook bacon in skillet until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and soak up grease with a paper towel. Set bacon aside.
In a medium bowl stir butter, rosemary, curry powder, brown sugar, salt , cayenne pepper with cashews. Set aside.
3 T white wine vinegar
3 T
2 T honey
1/2 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
in a small bowl mix all together and set aside.
1 (10oz) bag mixed greens
1 pear sliced thin
1 cup red grapes halved
in large bowl toss dressing with salad ingredients and bacon. sprinkle with nut mixture.
Later...after everyone leaves I've got some backyard issues to tackle. Those flower beds that every May need a good overhaul - weeding, mulching etc. I'm actually excited about this because it looks like today is going to be a beautiful day. We're doing the blessing luncheon outside on the patio and honestly, there's a lot to be done out there before we can invite people over to see it. Yikes.
Again...lots to do...better get started.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday Thoughts & Stuff
I have decided to put Kelly Rippa on my black list of people I hate but also secretly love. It's so easy to hate her and yet love her at the same time. Have you seen those arms? OMG (for the record, that's Oh My Gosh for those of you think I'm swearing)! And she totally wears shirts in the summer just to show them off, people. But then again, so would I! And she's so cute that she's pukey ... but you watch in fascination anyway because she's just that girl next door that is impossible to truly hate. I'm making no sense ... except if you totally know exactly what I mean - and you know you do!
Yesterday me and Bugs processed the very last remaining cartons of strawberries I had amassed in my kitchen since last week. We dehydrated them - a very simple process if you have a dehydrator, might I add, which I do. And I love the thing. I dehydrated like 2 flats of strawberries (yummy!) and 15 lbs of bananas (CANDY!). I also made, with Renee's help, about 45 pints of strawberry freezer jam, which is really strawberry flavored sugar jam. Ooh, that stuff is divine!
I took this picture of Bugs holding the strawberries and as I was checking my cameras settings, she reached down and grabbed a huge handful of strawberries from her rack and stuffed them in her mouth which resulted in the funniest look on her face as she realized I was going to take another picture. She's a poser, and she couldn't pose with her mouth full! But she tried! Shoot, while uploading these pics I realized I don't have one of that mouth full pose. That's too bad - it was awesome.I got a dose of envy at Renee's house last week when I inadvertenly opened her "medicine cupboard" and found it ultra-organized ... like a nurse would do. But then I remembered, "oh, she's in nursing school!" And then it made sense. So yesterday I was lamenting over the fact that she was more organized than me in this area so I decided to rectify that STAT. Looking at my medicine cupboard, one might think I'm sort of a hypochondriac...when in fact I really just like to be prepared. It's a religion thing...what can I say?
After... yay me (and Renee)...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
More Construction
Last week we received notification that construction would begin again on our street. You remember what happened last time there was construction... great!
I could have sworn that construction happened just last year but it was actually nearly two years ago. Wow! Time flies. This time they're repaving the entire street for a stretch of about a mile. That's the trouble with living on a busy street. They're always doing stuff to it. I mean it always eventually benefits me...like with a new awesome sidewalk, and finally a smooth road instead of the incredibly bumpy one we've been driving on for who knows how long.
But it's a pain. They told us we'd have limited access to our driveways for an entire month. I'm not sure what "limited" means but it really sounds like it will be limiting, XD.
Yesterday the tearing out process started and is continuing today which is what this picture is. The Marshmallow knows all the technical terms for this equipment but I just know it's a big, noisy machine that tears up asphalt and spits it into another truck. I don't know if you can see the drop off but it's currently about 12' away from my driveway and if I want to get out, I drive on the dirt for about 1/4 of a mile to the "ramp" they've made to get back onto the normal road.
When they lay the new road I'm sure I won't be able to get in my driveway at all which will suck really bad because I'm carrying quite a bit to the car and back right now with the baby and all. Maybe I'll just go stay at my big sister's for a week. Always looking for an excuse to do that!
Monday, May 4, 2009
What's Going On This Week
I was making a plan of what I wanted to accomplish today and I realized that I actually have sort of a busy week. So I've had to revise my Master Day Plan and change it to sort of a Master Week Plan if I'm to get ready for this coming weekend which happens to be Mother's Day too.
We're having Tinkerpot blessed this Sunday and after, we're having a small family get-together with some brunch items. I've got most of the food for it but I need to take the meats and have them cut into slices at Winegars sometime this week. Salads are being pot-lucked as are drinks and chips. I should think about a dessert or something. Any quick yummy ideas?
Since I'll have company this weekend, I've got to get both spare bedrooms in shape, which ...ehem...means I need to move back into my own bedroom and likewise Tinkerpot. We've been holed up in the same room for the past month to make it easier on mom when she wakes (which she doesn't do much anymore). Really it's so that if she cries for a minute or two, it doesn't disturb The Marshmallow who feels the need to pick her up if she utters a squeek.
So that means quite a bit more laundry..sheets and such.
Renee and I are hosting a Mother's Day luncheon here at my house on Thursday. I have a bit of shopping to do to get ready for that. Incidentally that same day are Tinkerpot's first shots and I'm nervous about that. I've forgotten what Bug's shots were like at that age except for how traumatic it was for me.
So all in all...here's what I have to get done this week.
1. sweep/mop
2. load of laundry a day
3. do 15 minutes of de-cluttering in 1 area each day
4. clean the litter box!
5. hang the shelf to put my plants on
6. work on my next wall of pictures
7. shop & prepare for Mother's Day luncheon
8. shop & prepare for blessing get-together
9. pictures of Tinkerpot in her blessing dress
10. family home evening planned and executed!!!
11. start thinking about invitations for Bug's birthday party
On the personal fitness front, I did run this morning (yay!) with Kelly, who is my newest running partner! We're not going far yet but we are working on it and it feels SO GREAT! I came home and did one of my P90X workouts for core strengthening which sucked. My core is jello right now. I lost 5 lbs. last month doing this P90X thing - then gained back 1. O-well. But my goal this week is to get back on track. I plan to run at least 4 days this week followed by one of the P90X workouts each day, at least 5 days.
My eating needs a little work too. I'm only eating about 1400 calories right now and so far it's not affecting the milk supply fortunately. I have plenty :). But the P90X program, at this phase has a 40/40/20 (protein/carbs/fat) percentage split and my goal is to eat as close to those percentages each day this week. It's not as hard as the last phase was which was 50/50/20. Yikes, that was hard.
So that's my week in goals...like it or not. Gotta get it done. Good thing I'm getting plenty of sleep. Better get working!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny brought SP, otherwise now known as "Bugs", a yummy looking hollow milk chocolate Peter Rabbit Easter Bunny (reference pic).
Bugs has a rather unique fondness for all things cuddly. I suppose she thought that this Peter Rabbit Easter Bunny could be cuddly because she refused to eat him on the premise that he was "too cute". So now, I've had this ginormously delicious-looking chocolate bunny (milk-chocolate, mmm my favorite!) on my counter for 3 weeks.
I'm certain she's forgotten about him and would not even notice if the bunny were to end up in my tummy one night. I give myself a lot of credit for not inhaling him already. If it weren't for the possibility that she just might notice, I think I would have eaten him already. What would I say? "He's gone home to Flopsy and Mopsy?"
Ugh! What does a mom do? I want him: I don't want him.