Saturday, May 24, 2008

Can't Get Over This Weather

On this day for the past three years, we have had our daughter's birthday party in our backyard. We usually spend the week prior getting the yard in shape and cleaned up. By this time, the pool's usually warm enough to "consider" swimming in, and it's usually so hot that sweaters have been relegated to the back of the closet.

This year, we did not have SP's party in our yard but instead are having it next Saturday at an actual party place, per her request. So we didn't have the clean-fest we normally do which is actually unfortunate. Since we do the party and spend so much time getting ready for it so early in the summer, it's done and we can spend the rest of the summer maintaining and enjoying.

But, since the weather hasn't been great AND no party, there's been no reason to push to get it all done and so, our garden wasn't even planted until today, nor most of the flower beds cleaned up and planted.

The front yard...well, you know the story but at least I got a lot done in the backyard today. I planted A LOT of perennials today so to avoid having to do a complete overhaul every Spring. I'm anxious now for next year to see what it will all look like from early Spring on. I think perennials are exciting!

0 backward glances: