Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I went to add a title to this post and I double clicked on the title square and a whole bunch of weird titles came up. Some of them were ones I'd already used in other blogs but some of them I'd never heard this one. I'd really like to have read whatever post was talking about Bones in the Attic. Now I don't know a great deal about computers but doesn't that only happen when someone types those words on the computer you're using? So who else is blogging on my computer is what I want to know!

Someone told me today that I haven't blogged enough and that my posts are too few and too far between. Well, I knew that. I've actually been sort of crazy these past few weeks. I've been feeling very disconnected from my life which usually means I'm not sticking to my routines enough. My goals aren't going to the way-side exactly. I'm just at a point of assessment and figuring out how they can jive permanently with my life on an on-going basis. So far, I've completed about 50% of them, and am still committed to finishing them.

I've been working at Lakeview Hospital for the past few months and have really enjoyed it. I always thought working in a hospital would be fun. Scrubs are the nicest working clothes - so comfortable and you don't worry about getting messy. Plus, I like the patients. Most of them are older and have lived in Bountiful for a long time and are so neighborly & friendly. But, I have been considering going back to Davis School District once school begins again. It's more hours per week which I'm not thinking will be so great, but I do love that job. It's just so much more my style. Schedule-wise, I do my thing and it's great. I have a few more weeks to make up my mind.

Natalie and I have been busy with swimming lessons. Well, she has anyway. I've been busy trying to make sure we get there on time. I realized in about 1 minute that we were past the Mom-&-Me phase and she'd get more from a teacher-student situation. Her teacher, Whitney, is so great to her. She's the cutest girl and seems to really like Natalie. She carries her around on her hip like she's her own little girl. The best thing is that Natalie has gone from not even wanting to sit on our laps on a raft in our pool (previous post), to being fine to float around in our pool with just her water wings on. She'll even float in her water wings in the lazy river at Cherry Hill all by herself. All this in just 2 weeks. She has 2 lessons left. $30 well spent.

My garden has gotten away from me. I fertilized my flowers and veggies a couple of weeks ago and although I'm harvesting veggies already, the weeds got fertilized as well and I'm inundated with them! Yikes! I need a good few hours just to devote to weeding! But I picked several zuk's and even made zuk bread last weekend. I've picked some snap peas, spinach and lettuce already. The herbs are good to go also. But I'm still waiting on the tomatoes. I've got tons already but none of them are red yet. I'm sure I'm not alone. Waiting also on the beans & I think the green peppers are starting to produce too. Fun!

BTW, in case anyone hasn't heard yet - I won the 10 lb challenge! I've officially lost 13 lbs. since Christmas and I'm more than a little proud of it! If I don't get pregnant in the next few months, I hope to continue this downward trend all the way to where I was when I got pregnant. That's only 13 more lbs to go.

I just heard tonight some very upsetting news that my friend Katie and her family are moving out of our ward soon. They're building a house not far, but far enough away she won't be at church anymore, nor just down the street. I'm so happy for them since they've been wanting a new house for such a long time and now that they're having a baby, it will be nice to have a brand new home but it's still sad for me that they won't be so close anymore. Well, I guess I'm just being silly. I think they're only moving 5 miles away. They could be moving to Tucson like our friend Rachel (my old running partner) did. That's quite a bit too far!

Well, enough of my rambling. Sorry for the extra long post but that's a re-cap of the past few weeks. Happy, healthy, hard at work!

Scrapbooking at my house next Thursday 10am! Be there or be...somewhere else I guess.

1 backward glances:

Unknown said...

Life has been too crazy the last couple of weeks. I will only be down the street- You better not dessert me! Good job on the weight loss- I am gaining like you are losing, I have never gained weight like this during a pregnancy- scary! And- if you get sick of your fresh veggies send them my way:)