Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I LOVE summer! I love the hot weather, tending my gardens, watching various flowers pop up in their time, the smell of fresh cut grass, laying in the sun, & fresh tomatoes!

I've also been lucky enough for the past 5-6 years, to have fruit trees in my yard. My last house had apricots, pears & plums. This house I have peaches & apricots. Fruit trees are beautiful and Natalie and I love singing the popcorn song in the spring. The way the fruit trees go from blossoms to fruit is amazing. My apricots are on, and the tree is laden! It it such a beautiful tree (some of you might know about my obsession with trees), and when the pretty little orange apricots are on it, it's wonderful! My mom came over the other day to pick them. And anyone else is welcome to do so - anytime; just show up! These pics are of the tree during blossom stage, and then it snowed - and now with the fruit.

0 backward glances: