Sunday, June 8, 2008

Where Am I?

I know it's been a few days since I've posted but it may be another couple before I make an intelligible one. I am however consumed with reading YOUR blogs as this has been more fun for me for the past few days.

Additionally, DH and SP have gone to the in-laws for a couple of days leaving me with some blessed relief time. I'm playing...let's just put it that way.

I'm expecting my little niece (she's not so little being that she's taller than me) here tomorrow for a week's trip while her parents vacation on some little island in the Caribbean. I'm excited to have her. And because I'm expecting her tomorrow is why I didn't go with the family to the in-laws.

So today while I had the whole day to myself I...went for a run, got a massage, went to a movie, visited my sister, and am working on a good book I received last night from a friend.

Tomorrow I plan to...sleep late, clean up my house so it doesn't LOOK like I played too much, go to church, go on a bike ride, read some more, take a nap.

These are most of the things that are difficult when a 4 year old's in tow. A couple of days every now and then make me feel like a human being.

2 backward glances:

LizzyT said...

Good for you, it's not very often we get the chance for 'me time'. Make the most of it!

The Buntens said...

Sounds like a great day!

I often get so immersed in others blogs that I don't have time to post on mine, too.