Friday, March 7, 2008

Peep Lovers Everywhere

The world can be divided into two groups.

1. Peep lovers

2. Peep haters

It's that simple folks. a peep lover. I love them frozen, stale but rarely fresh and never on pizza as their website states (loyal fans "love them on pizza"). Well, I think that's wrong.

SP just doesn't like them at all. Every easter, in a shameless, vain attempt to "claim" my maternal bond with this child - force her to eat a peep. You can almost see the gag reflex as she chokes down a few bites and then asks for a drink. What's so sad is that I can tell she is really trying to like them...for ME! ;" She actually got a whole one down yesterday, gagging the whole time, all the while trying to convince me how much she loves them! Well, it's not working. She hates 'em and so, she falls into the other camp.

Did you realize there is a Peep's Fan Club? Yes, we're serious about our peeps people! Deadly.

In case you're wondering...this was NOT an advertisement. It's merely Easter, which means it's Peep's time...and I just scarfed down 6 peeps in as many seconds and wanted to share my sickness with you all.

Are you a lover or a hater?

20 backward glances:

Anonymous said...

I am a peep lover! But almost everyone I know hates them. Come on, they're just marshmellow!

kelly said...

I am going to create a third category for myself and say that I am indifferent to Peeps.

Anonymous said...

I am a Peep LOVER! But stale, and only the yellow ones.

Carly said...

Peep HATER! I don't know why because I like marshmellows, but have always hated the Peeps. My kids are going to end up like Ben, because I don't buy them.

Amy said...

Ben:fortunately, they are now available at every season just decorated for whatever holiday. really, they're just a big blob of sugar!

jake: seriously! who doesn't love marshmallow?

kelly: indifferent? is that even possible?

abbey: absolutely stale! don't have a preference color although yellow and pink are my favorite because eating a black peep just feels strange. and since they come in all those colors, i just feel like i'm cheating on my true loves.

Amy said...

carly: your kids will find them somewhere. it's just not possible to go entirely without ever trying them, you PEEP HATER!

Tam said...

BIGGEST PEEP HATER EVER!!! But somehow every year my mom and sister think it's funny to get me some, whether it's an edible or stuffed one. Yes people I have 3 stuffed peeps, yet I can't seem to get rid of them.

Amy said...

Tam: thank you for stopping by! a stuffed peep! you're so lucky! i'd love to receive one of those!

Alexandra said...

I have to admit. I never ate one of them! They don't sell them in Germany and since moving to the States I just never noticed them! Funny though, last week me and my husband watched a show on how they are made! Well, the husband says they are kinda yucky. Guess,I will have to try them.

josey said...

im with kelly ;) yes, its possible to be indifferent! i dont hate them, but i dont buy them. i have an old friend that swears by them stale tho--he'll only eat them several months old! LOL. (maybe like how abbey likes them? =D )

Unknown said...

Absolutely NO peeps for me:)

Anonymous said...

I've never had a peep but I love Cadbury's creme eggs.

Sarah said...

I think I would tend towards the "hater" camp. I can eat one or two (slightly stale is the best), but that is the extent of my love for Peeps.
But jelly bellys are a whole other story......:-)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I haven't been here in a while apparently, Amy. You up and redecorated while I was gone! Looks amazing!

As for your peepage, I think I'm the exception to your rule. For I neither love nor hate them. I think every year around this time I HAVE to eat one. I guess I love trying one. But after 1, the sugar rush is just too much and I get nauseous if I eat anymore. So I'm a single peep lover I guess. Heh.

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

I used to love Peeps. But, I haven't been able to eat them the last few years. I am not a Peep hater now, but I am definitely no longer a Peep lover.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't take a side on the Peep controversy until I saw results of an experiment trying to dissolve a Peep. It took some pretty funky acid to kill the Peep and I decided that, despite my love of all things candy, I could live without ever having another Peep.

Rachel said...

Total hater :-) Princess and hubs, love them. They make my stomach turn :-) But they are pretty darn cute.
I had no idea that people were that dedicated to their peeps. Wow.

Amy said...

to all you newbies on this site: WELCOME! Thank you so much for your comments. They make it so much more fun to interact with everyone!

Unknown said...

I love love love PEEPS, although now that they are available for every season year round I have found one that I don't like...the peppermint peep...they are sold at Christmas time and they are shaped like a peppermint, but the peppermint was too strong for me making the peep not marshmellowy enough for me (I think I just made up a word)

PEEPS on PIZZA?!!?!!? I don't think so...

Amy said...

yeah, not sure about peppermint peeps. not tried them but they sound gross.