Sunday, March 2, 2008

Little Writer's Notebook

Throughout my day, I stockpile about a million little "post moments" in my head. You know, little posts that you've written in your head - at least the first couple sentences. Well, I do that at least.

They vary. Ideas range from stupid things like "tell me about your wedding day" to "what my favorite Halloween costume was of all times". I've honestly put together posts in my head for both of these ideas...thankfully they've never made it to print. Yet.

However, it always happens when I sit down to actually type out a post, the well is dry. There's nuthin' there. Where did all that FAB material go, anyway?

OH, hey grammer-challenged folks who irritate's ANYWAY...NOT ANYWAYS!!!!! pet peeve #1 addressed. Today. And yes, if I "do" a pet peeve of yours, lay it on me - I'm not here to just to rag on you...:)

So, back to the empty well...I'm thinking of having one of those nerdy little pocket notebooks so that I can actually jot down some of my fabulously witty post ideas... Yes. Just for you and your viewing pleasure. Whatever I can do to help make your day brighter.

If you say "anyways", I forgive you.

19 backward glances:

Ellen said...

I hate it when people say stuff like "All people aren't bad" when what they REALLY mean is "NOT all people are bad." Am I a dork to care so much? I can't help it! (It especially bugs me that they do it in Hercules, the Disney movie. He says, "Everybody's not like that," meaning "Not everybody is like that." Arg!) Why am I cursed with mad grammer skillz? Hee hee!

kelly said...

Little notebook for blogging ideas?

I also hate Anyways....
but I am a chronic comma over-user. And, I'm sure there are others that I am unaware of.
But I prefer pointing out the flaws of others, don't you?

Melanie Posell said...

I carry a notebook in my purse for this very reason. What I should do is keep one by my bed though. The other night when Chad was talking in his sleep it sparked a blog post, and I almost forgot I was going to write about it.

So there, I keep a notebook on me at all times because, I too dry up when I sit at the computer.

PS. Kelly and I were talking about anyways just a couple days ago!

josey said... the biggest editor nerd on the planet. i have a total cow when i realize i spell something wrong! sometimes i make up my own spellings, so those occasions are okay ;) but i hate it sometimes when i'm typing really fast and i realize i use "their" instead of "there," blog is a very "grammatically incorrect" posting of my true superior grammatical skills! LOL!!! i dont capitalize or use apostrophes where i should. but for the record, i DO know those things!

the ANYWAYS thing is a pet peeve of mine, too. however, most people are just unaware that its not correct. like when people use "alot," its actually "a lot." biggest pet peeve of all--when people use apostrophes on something that's plural and not possessive! aka..."watermelon's for sale"...LOL! when i see restaurant or other signs as im driving i just want to pull over and fix them!! ;)

and um, you spelled grammar wrong...;)


(or was that a trick??)

p.s. you ended up with a very good topic for a post btw!!! hehe!

Steve said...

Sorry I've been neglecting your blog, Amy!

If you're going to get a notebook, why not go all out and get an iPhone? I've got mine hooked up so that I can watch my TV shows on my phone from any wifi hotspot.

Oh, and there's a notebook function, too. :D

Amy said...

El: I never don't like double-negatives! They're as back as tacky-ass lights!

Kelly: i figured you for the little notebook! If you're an over-chronic comma user, then I'm a over-chronic period user....

Melanie: much great material might come from sleep talkers, being one myself! I wake myself up sometimes in the middle of a "thought"

Josey: see? I'm fallible! GrammAr is not spelling, and while I'm quite a good speller normally, I type really fast and my fingers get away with me. I do have fairly good grammar for the most part though even if the spelling comes out skewed. Thanks for pointing out that I'm not perfect, and I mean that since I was so critical of others' faults! Like that correct apostraphe?

Steve: yeah! you're back! yeah, an iPhone would be SO AWESOME but I need to get bac to nature. I have an iPaq but a real live notebook might be nice to try out. Who knows - I might hate it.

Anonymous said...

I suffer from the same brain cramp. My corner is a bit dry as of late. Sat down just a couple of days ago to do a post and came up with nothin'. Anyways...
(just kidding).

Jessica said...

I love your new look! Woo Hoo!

A chi iron is a super expensive straightening iron, that costs like $200.00 bucks! Yikes!

Rachel said...

I still can't get over the fact that you pre write some of your blogs. Your such a closet writer!
I didn't know until my junior year of HS that "a lot" was two words. Now every time I see it spelled "alot" I cringe and wish that everyone could have experienced Mrs. Southerlin's Junior English Class, the woman rocked. (But at the time we thought she was just evil).

josey said...

ohmygosh, dont get me started on HS english teachers! hehe! mrs. downey (or clowney downey as we secretly called her--her hair looked like bozo's! NO KIDDING.) drilled grammar into our poor unsuspecting brains. LOL. some of her snappy phrases..."cakes are done, people are finished!" and "people shouldnt chew gum, its SO bovine." ahh but if it weren't for her, i'd still be talking like half my family saying things like, "we was at the store when you called!" HAHA!

Heidi Sue said...

You are funny. I am not good at grammer. But the thing that bugs me is when people use You Know. Somtimes they say it like 10 times in a paragraph.

Unknown said...

Personally I hate (no hate's not a strong enough word...I abhor...that's better) it when people use "like" as a pause or break in their speech! Two examples for your enjoyment:

(1) "She was, like, pregnant and didn't know what to do!" She was either pregnant or she wasn't, but she couldn't be like pregnant.

(2) "It was late. I was thinking that I should go to the store, but I was certain that it would start, like, raining, and I didn't have an umbrella. So, I went home." I know what "raining" is, but I'm not certain that I understand how "like raining" might be different.

Of course I really despise this when I am guilty using "like" in this manner. :-)

Amy said...

christy: it happens to all of us. a little notebook might help both of us!

jessica: does a $200 straightener work better than a $50 one? I thought mine was expensive! No wonder your hair always looks awesome!

josey: it really bugs me when people say, "we was at the..." ugh! do they really think that sounds okay? i like the done/finished thing. it's funny!

grace: that's gotta be like a teenaged thing! i totally did that once upon a hundred years ago. thankfully though i believe i'm over it. my friends will point it out if I'm not though, for sure!

Barb said...

Guily, but I don't need a note book as I'm never far from a computer. When an idea pops into my head, I pop into the computer room and at least do a draft.

Amy said...

WT4W: drafts are always the best choice! thanks for your comment and for your visit to my blog!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

When I get a blog idea, I send myself an email with the topic and any notes that I have. I really need to just sit down and actually write the postings and email them to myself when I think of them. But, I'm apparently not to that point yet.

When I receive my email back, I have a specific folder in my email account that I plop them all into.

Gypsy at Heart said...

Go to Barnes and Noble, walk to the area where they sell diaries and ask for a Van Gogh notebook. You will never look back. Little, slim, with a band to secure its closure, a little pocket for dropping bits of paper in, detachable pages, great quality paper, lined or unlined (for whichever is your preference). This is your blog post idea book. Go get it.

Amy said...

Gypsy: I will! Thanks!

Doctors in India said...

This is such a helpful reading material for me, I’ve learned a lot of new things. Thanks for the great post!