Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just A Test

In all things blogging, a good portion of time is used up especially considering I try to post daily. test my theory of how much actual time is sucked up by my blogging life, I am taking a one week sabbatical.

Bear with me. I'll be back. I just want to see what else I come up with to do while I'm not blogging.

See you in a week!

7 backward glances:

Gypsy at Heart said...

I can feel your withdrawal symptoms even now. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about it when you come back.

josey said...

sounds like a good idea to me! i'm glad you're reassessing your priorities.

see you in one week when you come back to let us know blogging is still one of them. teehee! ;)

just kidding! i used to post nearly every day, too. now at most its a few times a week. i feel good about it. do what works for you!

Shelby said...

We'll miss you!

Rachel said...

Have a nice sabbatical, and I hope the withdrawal doesn't hurt too badly.

kellypea said...

Good luck to you. I need to do this!

Laura Brown said...

Have a good time on your sabbatical. :) I love your blog's background.

Amy said...

Gypsy: I DID have withdrawals!

Josey: too bad it didn't work!

Shelby: thanks!

Rachel: the withdrawal was hard!

kellypea: just do it! it does feel good to not have to come up with a post all the time, even if it is just for a week!

laura: thank you! i do too!