Tuesday, February 9, 2010

There Are No Words

I'm just devastated about the recent, tragic deaths of those two sweet little girls in Layton who died (the youngest, 15 month Rachel just died today) as a result of vole pesticides that were used in the family's yard recently. Just look at those darling faces.

Rebecca died yesterday, I believe. She was 4.

The family has 2 older children but to lose your two youngest (well really, any of your children) just tears my heart out. I can't imagine what that family must be going through. I just can't reconcile these tragedies in my mind but just have to cling to my faith and know that it will all make sense someday. Meanwhile I can only pray for peace for this family, and ask for your prayers as well. They'll need them all to get through this.

2 backward glances:

Rachel said...

I just read about this on Deseret news, it made me so sad too. In fact, I needed something to make it not hurt, so I went to Kelly's blog and watched her slide show. I smiled to see you in there. Your beautiful lashes! I've been hearing a lot of tragic stories with children, it breaks my heart and makes me want to hold my own tighter and longer. Life is so precious, and fleeting. We just never know.

Amy said...

it's why I don't really like to pay attention to the news. i'm too soft hearted. all it does is make me cry.