Friday, March 6, 2009

Best Night's Sleep Ever...

Last seriously was! Despite the fact that I was up every few hours to feed Little Tiny (the Baby's new name - I call her that all the time, I don't really know where I picked it up from!).

See, for the last 8 to 9 months, my available sleeping positions have been side...and...more side. Sleeping on my back made me feel like my lungs were collapsing and my aorta was being pinched off and of course tummy sleeping was out. But my arms continually go numb after about 30 minutes of side sleeping so needless to say, sleeping has not been that enjoyable for a great while!

But last night...ah...I thought I'd try tummy sleeping again even if it meant squashing my ... other parts. It seems my abdomen has healed enough for tummy sleeping to be possible because I gingerly laid down, shifted a little...moved over slightly onto the little "bump" between The Marshmallow and my side, shifted again and drifted lazily into the most amazing sleep ever!

Things just keep getting better and better!

3 backward glances:

Tiffany said...

YAY!!!! Nothing like that first, post-pregnancy tummy sleep :)

Kimmie said...

Good for you....could you get some sleep for me? Last night was the worst night's sleep ever for me. In fact I don't think I did sleep. And it was not because of the girls!!!!!

Rachel said...

You make me laugh, its so true. Sleeping in the perfect position is certainly compromised during pregnancy. But those 3 hour increments are still tough. I feel like I just put my head down on the pillow when I hear her rooting around again for the next round. I just keep thinking that she is still little and once we start rice cereal the length of time will stretched, at least I hope so...