(these were the easy days...Tink at 4 months)
The Marshmallow went to a Jazz game with his mom (?!?) tonight and since I was alone, I took my girlie-offspring to the swimming pool. I don't do this. There is not much fun about chasing a headstrong and fear-not toddler around a pool that deepens into oblivion just out of arms reach. Follow this anxiety-inducing experience with managing 3 shivering people, PILES O CRAP that one must bring to the pool with any child under 3, a stroller and the fact that all of us need to be showered, dressed and do it without getting all the dry clothes wet. Add into this mess the fact that the toddler minds no-one and will not think twice about running away from a n@ked mom inside the dressing room, forcing n@ked mom to scurry around to find something to cover herself whilst chasing the demon spawn...god's sweet gift to women. Ahh, it's exciting and exhilarating to be the mother of my Tink.
But I did it today. I hauled my pile o crap, the stroller and children to the rec center along with two pizzas which we ate in 5 seconds flat. And despite my typical MO of not getting wet above the waist, I was drenched. We went down slides, under fountains, around the lazy river, sat on sprayers, sprayed people, dunked each other. I forgot how much fun it can be to go to a pool and do what you're supposed to do there. Get Wet.
They're going to sleep good tonight. At least I hope so because I know I will.
Friday, January 28, 2011
It Might Just Have Been Worth It
So even after my post last night about my second chance of redeeming my Tooth Fairy abilities, I again completely forgot. I ended up with a very dejected 6 year old at 7am. So this lame Tooth Fairy told her to to snuggle up in my own bed and that I had to use the bathroom. I went and performed the Tooth Fairy duties and since it was still dark outside, I told Bugs that there was still a chance that she'd come. A short time later, I pretended to hear tinkling and told Bugs to go check. Redeemed. But I'm feeling pretty stupid and if she doesn't figure it out, then she's not as clever as I thought she was. Perhaps she wants to believe so badly that she'll let it slide.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
What's New This Week...
An update on the compelling details of my life this week...
1) I bought way too many boxes of girl scout cookies because the girls are too cute. p.s. I haven't eaten sugar in like 6 months and when the cookies get here, I may be on a perpetual sugar high and gain like 20 lbs. Ok, that's a lie. I had a big dessert at La Caille the other night but it was a special occasion. I was on a sugar high and I didn't weigh myself.
2) My girlies (friends) got dressed up in dresses and as mentioned in item 1, went to La Caille for the heck of it and had Kelly take our pics. This was out of our group character and crazy whimsical. La Caille treated us like peasants. Maybe it was because our upstairs parts weren't hanging out like theirs.
3) I have a bulging disc in my neck - diagnosed Tuesday and felt relief in my neck area for the first time in a very long time. It caused a migraine last weekend that lasted two days and caused me to be unable to go to church. Wait, maybe that was the sugar!
4) At the recommendation of a friend, I started reading "Sarah's Key" and am captivated.
5) I bought some very sexy shoes at Ross for $7. I have no idea where I'll wear them.
6) Started emotionally preparing for The Marshmallow's extended trip to Hawaii and how I'm going to cope. Decided that during the time that he's gone I will a) break Tinkerpot finally of the binky (a task that can only be achieved in The Marshmallows extended absence or he wouldn't be called The Marshmallow) and 2) go visit my little sis who moved to Denver a month ago (the horrible 8 hour drive through the wastelands of Wyoming). This trip will be a good tester for Tink who is able to drive ME to insanity in 2 minutes flat if she is unhappy - and visit my dad who also lives in Denver.
9) Completed screwed up being the Tooth Fairy by forgetting the other night to BE the Tooth Fairy but interestingly, tonight, am being given another chance for the second time in one week. Bugs has lost her 2nd incisor in 5 days. She prayed tonight that the Tooth Fairy was real.
8) I might actually go to bed tonight for the first time on like 3 weeks before 1am. And on that note...
good night.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I've been sick today - hanging out with a migraine from hell. At least it was a Sunday and not a really busy day. Still a waste of a perfectly good day.
The TV watchers in my family (of which I'm not really one) are really into the National Geographic channel lately (NatGeo). For some reason, everything on today was related to 9/11. The best program of them all by far was one called "How It Was" and it was about the Voices of 9/11. I've watched a lot of documentaries on 9/11 because The Marshmallow is a documentary type of guy but this one was far and away, the best one I've seen. I've cried a lot of tears over the years for everything that happened that day and everyone that was affected, especially those that lost their lives and their families but it's been a few years since I've been moved to tears again.
Until today, during this program I'm telling you about. A lot of it was interviews with the 911 operators and they described the telephone conversations they had with the folks inside the towers and then how after they fell, the conversations began with the families looking for their loved ones. And the operators were these middle people who were going to be the first line communication to all of those looking for survivors. They said they probably weren't even going to watch the program when it came out.
And then after all of the telephone messages from loved ones, and from those who died to loved ones - this went on for a long time...just listening to the messages, then you saw the towers fall. And it was so emotional because you associated all of those voices with people who were dying, right this very minute as the building crashes down. The emergency workers are rushing up the stairs and it takes them forever to get all the way up to those high stories just in time for the tower to fall down. It was so devastating. I couldn't help but re-live it all over again.
I hate that day. I hate that so many innocent people had to die. I hate that so many children don't have parents now. I especially hate that so many people chose between death by fire or by jumping to their death. I wish so badly that it were all different. I can't believe that there are people in the world that would resort to such cruelty. I just don't get it. And if it takes a certain wisdom to understand this religious fervor, then I don't want it.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Marshmallow has an opportunity to go to Hawaii very soon for work for about a month. We've talked for a long time about going there together so we were both sort of bummed when we found out he'd be going and I wouldn't be able to go along because of the nature of the trip.
But, then we started thinking that maybe I could fly down for an extended weekend or something (without the kids!!!). I found some great airfare which really can't be beat but I just can't decide.
We have our summer vacation planned and I'm saving for that and really shouldn't justify spending the extra money on an ancillary trip like this - but there's hardly a better opportunity and I'd really not spend much more than the airfare. I just don't know what to do.
The responsible side says to stay home, buckle down and save the money for the fam trip. But the frivolous girl who always wanted to go to Hawaii with The Marshmallow says "what the heck".
I'll probably go because we all know I'm far less responsible than I like to be. I'm excited! 4 days with The Marshmallow will be just like before kids!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I'll Be Honest
...about the primary reason I've been so reclusive. Remember my post about googling my name? Well the truth is I just can't get over it! My mind keeps hitting upon people that probably have googled my name (peeps in my past) that frankly belong in my past but are probably reading every excruciating detail of my life and it's weirding me out! I've thought a lot about going private but then I can't see the point. One of my comments from that post mentioned taking my post off of google searches and I've thought about that too. I just might do that because at least I'll maintain a little anonymity. I think back on a lot of my posts and get this icky feeling about "those" eyes reading these words, seeing my prego cankles, seeing me lying in that bed post-birth and nameless other posts that weren't necessarily private but weren't written for "them". Get it?
Idk what to do. I wish I knew for sure who is reading this. Maybe I should just hold back a little more. Ya, I deleted the fertility post k?
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Bugs - Moving On Up
This January marked a monumental occasion for Bugs. A skill she's been working on for several years has finally reached a milestone. We were at an ice skating birthday party last week and Bugs literally wanted me to hold her hand around the ice rink as she held onto the edge. I did this in boots because I didn't want to get skates. I ended up getting in trouble so when I got back outfitted in my skates, there was a woman with Bugs out in the middle of the rink and Bugs was skating and the woman barely had her hands on Bugs. Turns out this woman is an ice-skating instructor who was there and noticed Bugs needed some help. I followed them at a safe distance for awhile until I could see Bugs had the knack of it. By the end of the party, Bugs had it down and was completely on her own. I was so proud of her and she was very proud of herself. It's so great to see your kids learning new skills and how great they feel about themselves when they persevere and gain mastery of something hard. I think we're finally ready to tackle skiing. I've been waiting for that for nearly 7 years! My very own ski buddy.
My active child. My headstrong child. My obstinate & clever (mischievous) child. My lovely, squishy child. MY child. The one who looks just like I did as a baby. The one that I have to watch with 5 eyes. My very special little girl who is my heart's delight and my biggest angst.
Tinkerpot crawled out of her crib two weeks ago for the first time. She was extremely angry and decided she was not going to bed after all. I have zero tolerance for "behavior" at bedtime so I walked out. Minutes later I heard a thud and of course any mother knows that sound (and dreads the crib-escapee). She has found her way out of her prison crib.This is a picture of the crib. That front bar doesn't go up or down and the mattress in this picture is at it slowest level already. You can't tell very well but the front bar takes a steep curve down in the middle. There was virtually no hope in the situation given that she's innately a climber. So, I did the only thing I could do. After the escape incident, I turned the crib so the front is now the back - against the wall. Yes, it's now a little harder to put her in and out but she's old enough to set in there and tell her to lie down, and she does. It works. Bugs was in a big-girl bed on her 2nd birthday but that's because she was not as willful as my 2nd child. I'm pretty sure Tinker would NOT stay in her bed and we'd have some long nights.
My Tinkerpot is wonderful - still roly-poly as ever and such a character. We have simple conversations with her that usually end with her telling us "I don't know" or her bragging about throwing all of her binkies back behind the crib. She won't eat a thing if it's not a noodle or cheese and she has a perpetual bruise/scrape on her forehead. She has unruly hair and feet that won't feasibly fit into anything remotely cute. But she gives wet, slobbery kisses and she asks for hugs all day long. She's 2 next month. How did this happen?
I Guess It's Time To Post About Disneyland
So, here they are.......