Sunday, May 20, 2007


I was reading this article in Time this morning about a "hidden" mixed marriage and how tragic it can be for those that are in it because of the external pressures. I about snorted my diet pepsi through my nose when I got to the part where they described it. It's "marrying outside your cute/ugly zone". Is that too much or what? They cited various marriages like Donald Trump and his wife, President Roosevelt (?), and a few others who obviously did not marry their "potential". They were talking about how difficult it can be for the "ugly" one because jokes are often made, they get harsh and annoying looks, and on and on it went. It summed it all up by discussing the merits of humor in dealing with rude people. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Is there not enough other news-worthy items to write about? Somebody really had to fish for this story...turns out the lady who wrote it says she's in a similar marriage and she's the ugly duckling. These are the things that drive me nuts about the world. Are we really not busy enough that we start inventing things to be worried about, inventing things that we are being discriminated against, inventing things to deliberate and worry about? WHATEVER!

On a different note, one of several thoughts in my brain tonight........Now, I'm not trying to talk myself up or something but I think I'm a pretty smart person. Not necessarily a logical person but intelligent anyway. I'm pretty sure I could talk intelligently in a conversation about biochemistry or pathophysiology or whatever science you'd care to discuss. So, WHERE in the heck was I when they news-flashed this business about EXFOLIATION! I know you're totally laughing at me but no one ever told me that exfoliation was what you did to have nice, soft lady-like skin. How dumb am I? I got this stuff from my friend at Christmas and I didn't even know really what it was for. Sure, I love the sugar & salt scrubs but I just thought they were foofy - not really for a purpose. But I was watching this dumb little movie last night called "Material Girls" where they actually discuss this whole process! I can't even believe I'm writing about this but this is what the brain deposited tonight, so sorry. Anyhew, I tried it this morning and WOWWWW! It's like I'm a baby again, okay at least my skin is.

1 backward glances:

Unknown said...

So- I guess I am pretty lame but sometimes I look at couples and wonder how in the world someone so ugly got someone so hot. Ryan actually read me that article a week or so ago.