Monday, May 28, 2007

What a Week!

It is Monday at 6:15 and I can see the end in sight! The end of this whirlwind week where all of my normal routines went completely out the window.

We went to the Aquarium, the zoo twice, Lagoon once, and everywhere else that Natalie desired. Mostly we spent time working in our yard, which is great because it really needed some TLC. It actually looks decent front AND back so now we can sort of relax and enjoy what summer brings.


We had a party for Natalie's 3rd birthday on Saturday and some of her little 3 year old friends came. It was a beautiful day, and all the kids had fun playing on Nat's new little playhouse thingie, jumping on the tramp and "swimming" in the pool. I'd share some of the latter pictures but I'll let their moms post them on their blogs if they want instead. Natalie's friend Cooper was the funniest of all - having a blast in water that was definately not warm.

Nat in her Playhouse

I think I'm coming down with something too! I woke up with a sore throat this morning and am dreading what's coming down the pike! I do NOT need another cold this year; they are brutal for me these past few years. I'm terrified.

But the good news is that Rachel Kahler is still in town and wants to run with me for the last few weeks that she's here! I ran with her Saturday morning and until then hadn't realized how much I'd missed her...and the getting out in the morning. I seriously haven't even talked to her except at church for about a month; that makes me feel like a terrible friend especially because of all she's been going through with moving and stuff. Anyway it will be great to go with her in the mornings until she leaves...maybe I can re-motivate myself to go by myself after she's gone. Something's gotta give; and I think it's going to be the seam in my shorts!

By the way, just to keep up my monologue on my New Year's Resolutions, I have not forsaken then (except for this past week) and have actually achieved most of my short-term goals that lead to the big goals. The biggest thing I've noticed is that my discipline has changed a lot and that was probably my biggest motivator for the crazy goal-setting I did, and the way I'm going about meeting them. My days use to start whenever, and I'd get a lot of little things done but I'd pitter most of my day away and never really feel like I accomplished much. And the house was never perfect, it wasn't ever cleaned properly nor regularly, the laundry wasn't ever consistently complete, I always had dishes in the dishwasher, clean or otherwise and I just didn't feel like my time was being utlized properly. But now when I wake up, I don't dilly dally over the newspaper or my email. I get to work on the list of chores in my head and when those are done, I can move on to the more enjoyable tasks I've laid out. And I feel good when DH walks through the door because I know that I achieved something and he can tell also.

Sorry for the huge long post.

0 backward glances: