Tomorrow is my 12 year anniversary to The Marshmallow, the name I gave to my hubby many years ago when he failed to live up to the rock hard exterior he'd always touted to be. He's more like an M&M with marshmallow inside of it, truth be told. He's all the gruff and grouchy until one of his girls gets hurt of she says she wants something. Then the chocolate melts and we can boing liberally on the marshmallow center.
Marshmallow people...not marshmellow.
Anyway, at this point in my life my reasons for valuing and cherishing my husband have changed since I was first married. Back then I wanted a strong provider, someone who was trustworthy, caring and a good listener. Someone who would be home each night and take me to breakfast on Sundays. I also needed someone to support me through graduate school but that's a little truth we don't say out loud at the dinner table.
These days however, my needs are vastly different as they should be after this many years. I still need to know he'll be home every night but it's mainly so I can thrust the casserole serving spoon at him thereby transferring domestic responsibilities, tell him how horrible his children were all day, and finally feel like I'm not doing all of this alone. I exaggerate a little...I don't really "thrust", I give.
But more than a transfer of power at the end of the working day, I need him to be a good father to my kids. I need him to want to be here, to be engaged with the family and support me as the mom, the Supreme Being of All. I need him to be "one" with me as we parent our kids. I still need him to be the provider but not in the ways I needed him to before. Now I need him provide the majority so I can do my best with our kids.
I know we all gripe about our spouses from time to time and we have our little "issues" that we deal with ongoing throughout the years. But for the most part, what I have to gripe about is minimal and pretty inconsequential for the most part when viewed in the grandest scheme.
The Marshmallow has put forth a significant amount of effort this year in creating a safer and more fun haven for our kids. Long has he wished for a sunken trampoline and a re-vamp of our back-back yard space. In the spring, he dug a 12' diameter hole (4' deep) to sink the tramp, a feat which he did with a shovel, no less. Today, he finished the little area by creating a large 12x8' sandbox next to the tramp. He hauled all of the sand by wheelbarrow down from the front to the back and if you know my yard, you know there is no access front to back besides stairs so using a wheelbarrow to transport load after load of sand isn't for the feint of heart.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My Marshmallow
Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Post From The Past
I was reading my blog today...going back through the years. It's hard to believe I've had this blog now for 5 years. I'm so glad I've kept this blog - it is really like reading a journal and it brings back so many memories. Over the next couple of days, I'm going to share a few of my older posts that I think are either funny, interesting or just strike me. Like this one, posted in December of 2007. I think it was a meme or something but I think it's hilarious and even a little frightening.
Things No One Knows
- I blush when I read smut in a romance novel even though no one knows what I'm reading (I hate romance novels - many people know that though)
- I love the painful feeling when floss bites into my tender gums, and sometimes over-do it just to feel it again and again (yeah, sick huh)
- I wish my name wasn't Amy...maybe Pepper. You can call me Pepper if you want.
- I love the way naked trees look against a dark makes me pensive
- I still like the smell of paste, although I haven't sniffed it since I was a 2nd grader :)
- Since about 2 years ago, I hate looking at myself in the mirror and avoid it when I can
- I'm lonely most of the time, even though I enjoy spending time by myself
- During my clepto teenaged years, I stole from a charity
- My worst fear, it's unspeakable and makes me choke and then I can't breathe
- I have a soft spot for homeless people and I give them the entire contents of my wallet whenever I can (usually $1 lol). I don't care what they spend it on.
- I'm physically unable to put an ailing plant in the trash. I feel like a murderer
- I cheated hardcore on a College Algebra final and would not have passed the class had I not done so
- I've always ached for something big but don't know what it is
Scavenger Hunt Boredom Busters
Today I had a lot of stuff to do in my kitchen to get a bunch of apples I picked put up. True to form, my kids were at each others' throats and driving me crazy. The fact of the matter is they're just bored...bored of me, our house, each's rough right?
So in a moment of desperation I started dictating various lists to my daughters to go "find". Important stuff I need like "something rough". Thought I'd throw them up here in case anyone else is ever desperate for a Scavenger Hunt list. I made two for the inside, and one for outside. They're not super clever - just filling the immediate need. Feel free to improvise or improve as needed!
I told them everything they found had to fit in the container provided...
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Organizing Kids' Clothes
If you're anything like me, organizing children's clothing that is sitting on the back burner awaiting its next foray into the closet (the hand-me-downers), is a big green monster that sits on your shoulder always chewing on the back of your brain. In essence, it's a menace and although we should be grateful that we have this problem, (i.e. grateful that we can afford to have enough clothes to supply our growing children), the problem is still there, all over the floors of our storage rooms, piling up in mean little piles in the backs of our children's closets, under their beds and wherever else we can find room for a stack of clothes that are either grown-out of, or soon to be grown-in to.
Like many of you folks, I went waaaaaay overboard in buying my sweet first-born girl-child ... clothing. As in...I bought enough to clothe every girl-child born that day in Utah for a couple of years. I've toned it down over the years as I've realized that sometimes outfits get worn once and then that was a waste of $20. When the 2nd girl-child came along I guess I was grateful that I had so much to choose from. She still got the shaft though because I absolutely refused to buy anything new. Ok, that's a flat lie but I didn't buy much.
Fast forward a few years later and I have successfully managed for the past 7 years to sanely manage all of those clothes that have been ceaselessly turning over. I still have some piles here and there but I know that every few months I'll pull them all together and set them to order. Here's what it looks like. Super easy too.
I have a couple bins in my storage room. One for clothing grown out of. This is where all those random piles end up. When the bin is full, I organize. There's also a bin for grown-out of shoes.