Friday, May 30, 2008

The Mission

Tomorrow is the friends' birthday party for SP. She's requested the above cake (this isn't the one I've made - just a pic). I've done other cakes for her in past years including the following so I'm not necessarily scared. I just always get nervous because I've only got one shot at it - and screwing up is so easy. I better get to work!

1st Birthday
(I actually made 2 of these: one for guests, and one for her to smash in her face)

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday


  1. I am in awe.
    I bow down at your cake decorating awesomeness.

  2. Wow - that's some cakes... way better than the cake I got a hotel chef make for my son...
    Lucky friend

  3. These are awesome cakes! I wish I had you for a nearby friend so I can beg you to make me some. Hehe.

    How long does it take you to decorate them?

  4. Rachel: thanks! I really enjoy making them!

    lina: you're just too kind.

    joy: i would gladly do it. they take me anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on how complicated. Today's cake took me about 1 1/2 hours and that included having to run for more frosting. not too bad! cake ordering and picking up might have taken that long anyway!
